We are the Local Noise !
We are the creators of the notes that drip into the depths of your soul from the corner of your living room and the benchtop of your kitchen. We would like to share our sincere appreciation for supporting the symphony you couldn’t locate and the 6 musicians behind it with the breadcrumbs of your toast since early 1990’s.
First Elizabeth
You can call me Elizabeth. Although most call me “pianist of the town”, I was named by my ancestors who resided on the bench on Beethoven’s kitchen, where they brought the magic of notes into life. May their music-loving souls rest in peace 🤲🏻

Occupation: Pianist
Education: Degree in Music (Majoring in Piano) at Royal Academy of Music
Band: “Local Noise”
Hight: 2 cm (standing)
Favourite colour: 🏳️🌈
Favourite movie: The Ant Bully
My other group friends will be with you very soon.
Drums: Husnu
Well, I don’t really know how to start these things but my name is Husnu. Friends call me “Battery Husnu”, uneducated bastards don’t know the difference between “Batterie” and “Battery”. Actually, growing up, I wanted open a kebab store but my dad was a drummer so playing drums was in my blood. What can I say.. This was my fate. No ant should say what am i not but what i will be!

Age: 28
Occupation: Drummer
Education: Left in middle school
Band: “Local Noise”
Hight: 1 cm (standing)
Favourite colour: Can’t confess it but it’s pink
Favourite movie: The Girl with the Red Scarf (Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalim, 1977/Turkey)
Nationality: Turkish